New Earth: The Gift Of Free Choice

Quote Title: Kryon-Lee Carroll – ‘The Gift Of Free Choice’

In the Divine Light of New Earth
Free choice is truly a gift
Given from God, the All-That-Is
For humanity’s consciousness to lift

Each and every single Soul
Has the Power within to choose
Their focus and reality
There is no ‘win or loose’

For everything is an experience
We come to Earth to create
Evolving through each life
Living through love or hate

Even in the old Earth energies
Free choice was absolute
God would not override
Whether colossal or minute

In 3D Earth, dense duality
The opposites led the way
Good or bad, the positive and negative
Which would attract the people to sway?

Thoughts and beliefs were manipulated
Feeding the dark ones, making them strong
But Old Souls of countless lifetimes
To the Earth began to throng

Gathering for the Great Awakening
Shining their Divine Light filled rays
Aligned with Source within
Is their free choice always

The Light overpowered the darkness
Uncovering the extent of their control
Unable to hide with the abundance of Light
Releasing the power they stole

The seeming battle of the Light and Dark
Prominent for those who Awoke
Throughout the plandemic worldwide
Revelations made many heart-broke

But from the New Earth perspective
In 5D there is no ‘end’ of life
It’s all an experience we come to live
Learning through all peace and strife

The tragedy and great loss of life
The evil and Satanic revealed
All had to be shown to humanity
To eliminate and truly be healed

Trina Graves – 4th June 2021

About This Poem

In our 3D dense reality the idea that God/Source/The-All-That-Is gives us free will to choose whether to do good or evil would seem nonsense. However, from a Higher Perspective it is the only way we can experience and learn from our choices to enable us to raise our consciouness over lifetimes to eventually embody our true selves of Love and Light,

As each day, week and month that passes in this crazy times we are living in, more and more people are Awakening to the truth of how we have all been manipulated throughout our whole lifetime. We have always had free choice in how to live our lives, but the greater majority have always been trained to ‘follow the herd’ by all of our corrupt systems, which are now crumbling as the Light has overpowered the darkness and we are in the process of creating our New Earth.


Armour Of God

A Spiritual war is going on
Though most people don’t know
Blinkered by the plandemic
And the fake media don’t show

Good vs evil is the basis
Love and compassion for all
Or, totally controlling the masses
Causing humanity to fall

Those who don’t accept
Or not open-minded to perceive
We are all Spiritual Beings
Will find it the hardest to believe

Also, man-made religions manipulate
Their followers worldwide
Rarely teaching the truth
In humans, God is inside

The war is already won
Out of linear time
Light eliminates dark
Showing all of their crime

We are living our part
In the war playing out
Warriors of Truth
We will win, no doubt!

Put on your Armour Of God
To protect and claim
Your stance in this war
Peace on Earth your aim

With the Sword Of Truth
Cutting through all lies
And The Shield Of Knowledge
No compromise

The Mantle: Spirit Of God
Claiming your Divinity brings
With The Body Armour:
The Wisdom Of God In All Things

Trina Graves – 18th December 2020

About This Poem

For anyone with a questioning mind it is becoming more and more evident that the narrative pursued by the governments and media worldwide is about manipulating and controlling people. Those who have questioned the contradicting and highly censored mainstream information and have taken the time to research will have discovered that the story being told to the masses is a complete lie!

Slowly the truth is being drip-fed into the mainstream and at some point (hopefully very soon) we will reach the tipping point and will be witness to either the mainstream speaking more truth than lies or their total collapse if they continue to block what is really going on worldwide.


picture from Pixabay

A Light In The Storm

Vision: 7th January 2020

I’d listened to lots of Kryon
Through Lee Carroll channelling
Talking of the new energies
And the joy they would bring

With these questions on my mind
I knew what I needed to do
Go within and visit with Jesus
And ask about Kryon too!

It was one year since I’d discovered
The identity of my vision guide
For twenty years to me it was James
Feeling unworthy made me hide

In my quiet mind I would wait
And see where I would go
To meet and gain answers
Knowing it all would flow

I affirmed He was in my Heart
Then ‘saw’ us strolling along a beach
I asked if Kryon’s words were truth
In all Kryon came here to teach

We were stood at the sea’s edge
Looking over towards the land
A very dark storm was forming
Looming on the right it panned

I thought, that’s not a good sign
Could this mean Kryon is untrue?
Then Jesus said “Stand strong
Rooted in Gaia, you know what to do”

“Shine your own Divine Light”
Words of Jesus and also Kryon
I did what I came here to do
On Earth, to connect my Light ‘on’

People came from all directions
To shelter under our Love and Light
Jesus moved behind me to show
My own Light shone so bright

As more and more people came
Jesus faded, (although always there)
My Light grew stronger still
As I felt the people begin to share

Some Awakened to their own Light
As the beach filled with hundreds more
Coming to shelter in the Light
Uniting on Earth like never before

I remembered the storm coming our way
I’d forgotten, focusing on the Light
With just a quick glance I saw
It was still there, on the right

I then ‘knew’ it couldn’t touch us
While focused, our Light shining
Then the storm began to clear
Blue skies rapidly returning

The people were happy now to go
Back from where they all came
Many now able to hold the Light
Awakening people to Light, my aim

Trina Graves – 4th June 2021

About This Poem

Having this vision in January 2020, at that time I thought it was all just about Lightworkers shining our Light through whatever was going to be happening through the years ahead. From my previous visions and guided poems I knew we were in a time of Awakening and change, but I was totally unaware of the very dark storm that was looming just ahead for us all!

I, along with an ever increasing amount of others, believe that what we have experienced since early last year has not been about a virus, but about Awakening the people of our world to their own power. We are eternal Spiritual Beings and those of us here on Earth chose our path (before birth) for this auspicious time of either moving into a Higher Vibrational New Earth or leaving this present reality, gifting others with our experience to open their hearts and minds.

I have a page listing all of my ‘Vision’ poems if you would like to read more.


part of poem A Light In The Storm by Trina Graves, Spiritual Quotes To Live By
image from Pixabay

Difficult Roads Lead To Beautiful Destinations

Quote Title: Unknown

In life we all walk roads
That are difficult to us
Individual in our perceptions
To others, may cause no fuss

Thought’s, beliefs, attitudes
All create our reality
We are all on a journey
Here on Earth to ‘BE’

Death, illness, lack
Are dreaded paths out there
All walked a little easier
With companions who care

In time we can look back
And see a different view
Especially from Higher ground
Wisdom can come through

Through difficulty we grow
Adding more to our Soul
Experiences to enrich
Enlightenment our goal

Walking difficult paths
Gives us true insight
To help others along
Who face the same plight

Being there for others
Is a wonderful place to be
Giving, sharing, caring
From the Heart, pure beauty


And now we’re in a time
With extreme roads to face
Not just for some here and there
But for the whole human race

The pandemic and the control
With all its confusing twists and turns
Censorship and created divisions
The great forest ahead of us burns!

We know we have to walk
Through the forest of fire
Will we make it through
As the flames grow ever higher?

Thought’s, beliefs, attitudes
All create our reality
We are all on a journey
Here on Earth to ‘BE’

We came Knowing of this road
It was our destiny of free-choice
To be here at this momentous time
Would we cower or loudly rejoice?

The flames can do no harm
They’re a mirage, not our fate
If we Know of God within us
BEing Love always, never hate

We can walk this road together
Unity Consciousness is our shield
Not much further to travel
Humanity will truly be healed

Many on the road ahead
Have faced the darkest parts
Their Light now guiding lamps
Lit with their compassionate hearts

At last we’ll see the true map
Of all roads, hidden and known
The darkness will be no more
The Light has exponentially grown

Thought’s, beliefs, attitudes
All create our reality
We are all on a journey
Here on Earth to ‘BE’

Be the Light you are
Boldly striding along
Believe unconditional Love
Will overpower all the wrong

Have a positive attitude
As you pass the mires and bogs
With compassion in your Heart
You’ll leap over all the fallen logs

Loving thoughts, beliefs, attitudes
Will create our new reality
United we’ll reach our destination
Our New Earth of Divine Beauty

Trina Graves – 31st January 2021

About This Poem

This past year has been difficult and challenging for so many people worldwide, but I truly believe our destination will be more beautiful than we have ever dreamed possible!

We all chose to be here on Earth at this time, knowing there would be very difficult roads, full of dangers. The only way to safely travel is to have a Heart full of Love, Light and Compassion and keep positive as much as possible, while focusing on the beautiful world that awaits us… just around the bend!


image from Pixabay

wake up… Wake Up… WAKE UP !!!

The curtains were opened
From slumber old Souls stirred
Awakening their inner wisdom
To discern what they heard

Then dawn entered the darkness
Lightworkers became Awake
And Star, Indigo, Crystal
Awoke to the Light they’d make

The loud alarm went off
9/11 an inside job
No longer would so many
Be so easy to fob

The still sleeping worldwide
Were given a mighty shake
A worldwide ‘plandemic’
Brought millions to Awake

And now the remaining sleepers
Will get a sharp slap in the face
It’s needed and imperative now
To wake the whole human race


Wake Up to the truth
We’ve all been lied to
Throughout all history
The people had no clue

Wake Up to your inner Power

You truly hold the key
Break free from the chains
That shackled humanity

Wake Up, shine your Light
It’s power steadfast, so strong
Radiant, eliminating darkness
To the tribe of Light you belong

Wake Up to your Soul
It’s the greatest part of you
Eternally a part of Source
Let it guide you in all you do

Wake Up, feel the Love
It’s who you truly are
Affirm Love in all you do
And you will purely go far

Wake Up, embrace All
Each and every fellow man
We Are One, in this together
Give Love to all you can

Wake Up, open your eyes
Take a good look around
Do you see the perfect beauty
That’s everywhere to be found?

Wake Up and consciously create
The New Earth, here and NOW
Awakened Souls of planet Earth
Your intuition will show you how

Wake Up, know and affirm
“I Am Sovereign, Powerful, Divine”
God is within every Soul
I Am Awake, God’s Love is mine.”

Trina Graves – 17th January 2021

About This Poem

In a recent post – The Blinkered Race – I told of how I couldn’t sleep one night and so wrote two poems. This one was the first as it was one I’d known for a long time that I needed to write.

I believe that what we have been going through for the past year is very much about waking people up to the lies and corruption that have been prevalent in our world for a very, very long time. So much has been hidden and is now becoming evident because the Light now dominates the dark, so all the atrocities will eventually become known to mankind. It will be extremely shocking and a ‘sharp slap in the face’ for the remaining sleepers to wake up to, but we need to be aware of what has been going on to heal it and never let it happen again.


Inspirational poem by Trina Graves: wake up... Wake Up... WAKE UP !!! - Spiritual Quotes To Live By
images from Pixabay

The Blinkered Race

I run along the track
With a rider on my back
I am used to the weight
But being whipped I hate

The old track is laid out
It’s course, I have no doubt
Always, forever the same ahead
With many obstacles I dread

One day it will come to an end
But will death be my friend?
Life has always been this way
So I plod ever onwards today

To ease the monotony
I drift in my memory
To when I was young
Before my race begun

As a foal I had no concern
Not knowing I’d have to learn
Just in a field with my mother
Blissfulness like no other

And then my training started
I became so heavy-hearted
No longer was I spirited and free
They had total control of me

Bit, saddle, reins, crop
Would it all ever stop?
Steering me this way and that
The riders who wear a hat

They put me in this race
Now it’s all I have to face
Blinkers, I was trained to wear
Blocking, so I’d be unaware

Well, I guess I’ll just carry on
I’m told this is where I belong
With all the others in this race
Our predecessors track we trace


What’s he doing over there!?
Is he mad? Does he care?
Rearing up, breaking free
Is this that conspiracy theory?

That the riders have full control
Because we let them guide our goal
Using tools to manipulate, confuse
For their games it’s us they use

Look!.. Another has broken free
I wonder what will come to be
I’d better stick with the others
In this race we are all brothers

Another lap, more of the same
Why am I here? Is this a game?
Why am I pushed up this hill?
Will I ever be at peace and still?

What awaits me at the end?
Could a miracle be around the next bend?
Why do I feel something is not right?
How can I truly see with blinkered sight?

Only the track, only the race
Is stopping really a disgrace?
Questions growing ever strong
In this perpetual race do I belong?

What if I took no part
Refused to even make a start
Not let the rider have control
Would I feel better, more whole?

I have to try, I have to see
What it would be like to be free
No bit in my mouth stopping my voice
I know it now, I have free choice

No weighted saddle on my back
No use to me, I feel no lack
No reins, or rider steering my way
I’m free, their game I no longer play

The blinkers are gone, I look around
Amazed at all the beauty to be found
So many directions I can choose to go
My own pace, joyously fast or mindful slow

No longer treading the old worn track
Without a rider, I choose where to hack
Fields, hills, woods, streams galore
Free to roam this New Earth I adore

Trina Graves – 17th January 2021

About This Poem

I often wake in the early hours and take awhile to sleep again. This day (17th Jan) I woke with the idea for this poem, so spent some time thinking about what I wanted to say with it. Not being able to sleep after that, I picked up my tablet and noticed there was a new message from Blossom Goodchild (who I have ‘followed’ since 2008 as the messages she brings through from The Federation Of Light are so full of love and inspiration.) The new message was so powerfully uplifting that I knew there was no way I could get back to sleep as I was buzzing! So I decided to do something I’ve never done before and write a poem (or two!) in bed.

This was the second (wake up, Wake Up, WAKE UP !!! – to be added soon – was the first). I wasn’t too sure if they read right, but knew I could always adjust them later. I left the poems for about a week before I typed them up (I usually do this the same day) and was pleasantly surprised that both were okay without alterations.

To me, we have been in a ‘Blinkered Race:’ We follow the footsteps of our history (global and family) as our course/track. We have been ridden and controlled by the powerful elite who have continually ‘whipped’ us to keep us in the perpetual ‘race.’ However, over time more and more people have been taking their blinkers off and are able to see outside of the race. Over the past year many of those who were once thought of as ‘conspiracy theorists’ are becoming known as ‘truth seekers,’ as their words become more evidently not a theory, but the truth.


The Blinkered Race - inspirational poem by Trina Graves - Spiritual Quotes To Live By
images from Pixabay

Masking The Truth

Psychological warfare like never before
Manipulating the people to endure
Compliance to their rules, is the aim
As they play the plandemic game

Smiles no longer can be seen
Under the pretense of being clean
Everywhere blank people, emotionless
Even though they feel the stress

Many scientists and doctors speak out
‘Masking is nonsense,’ without a doubt
Silenced and censored by mainstream
Confusion reigns, as in a bad dream

Lack of oxygen, never good
Walking, running or just stood
Waste expelling from each breath
Can’t escape the mask of death

The immune system is compromised
Another truth the mainstream hides
Adding to the division and fear
They don’t care, evidently clear

If you’ve delved into more
Of what is going on, for sure
It’s not about a virus at all
But a plan for humanity to fall

Hundreds of years in the making
The elite rulers were all taking
Steps to bring a New World Order
Total control worldwide, no border

A conspiracy theory, most will say
Balderdash! There is no way
This could be real, it’s just fantasy
But open your mind, and you’ll see

Evidence now is so easy to find
Not everyone is good and kind
So much is being uncovered this year
By the hurricane of a virus fear

Why did mask rules come in so late?
How can they possibly so highly rate?
With no evidence or risk assessment
People acquiesce to their government

A symbol of silence and oppression
Enforcing a Satanic ritual lesson
Masking signals your consent
To be subservient, however meant

Silenced, no matter if you know
What the meaning is, they grow
Stronger as people hide in fear
Ritual behaviour they easily steer

Another ritual they have used
‘Taking the knee,’ people confused
Thinking they are doing good
The real meaning not understood

Giving away your Sovereign Power
Following their rules, you will cower
But it’s not too late to take a stand
And tear away your mask by hand

Logic and thinking for yourself
In full control of your own health
Common sense shows the way
Their nonsense rules: DO NOT OBEY!

Trina Graves – 11th November 2020

About This Poem

I write these not so ‘inspirational’ poems about our current events to share my truths (and many others) about what is going on under the pretense of a pandemic. If they make just one person question what is really going on and/or to think for themselves, then that is a successful poem to me. I also truly believe that this complete nonesense we are living in is about waking up as many people as possible to the control and manipulation, as we collectively move into a Higher Vibrational New Earth.

Mask Wearing In UK
The craziness continues with us now in our 3rd national lockdown. Our mainstream media report that those not wearing masks will now be given immediate fines of £200 by the police and they will also challenge anyone leaving their home to ensure it is for one of the few valid reasons.

I will continue to ignore their ‘rules’ and use my own common sense. By standing in my Sovereign Power and focusing on positivity, joy, love and light I know that I will always be in the right place at the right time, so will not encounter any confrontation.

However, I must admit that I now rarely go to the shops as I find it so disheartening to see so many people being manipulated, especially seeing the elderly struggling for breath. My mother (in her 80’s) finds it extremely difficult to shop wearing a mask, but wishes to be able to do things for herself for as long as possible. I have tried (many times) to inform her that even the government states you are excempt if it causes you distress, but she wears one because she doesn’t want to face any confrontation from other customers etc..

One People – One World
Everything is tied into what is going on in the US, and since the obvious false flag of the 6th January things are now ramping up. Censorship has dramatically stepped up with the President and all significant others who support him being deleted from all social media platforms. Regardless of anyone’s view of Trump, the fact that he (with his position in our world) can be so easily silenced by Big Tech should be a warning sign to everyone.

Conspiracy Theories
So very much has been going on that is not mentioned one little bit in the mainstream as they keep people focused on fear and rules to obey. However the time has now come that so called ‘Conspiracy theories’ are about to be revealed as truths to the world. It will be a very bumpy ride for many, so all who are able to remain calm and centred need to shine their Light brighter than ever before, as the darkness is revealed to the masses.


Masking The Truth - poem about mask wearing by Trina Graves - Spiritual Quotes To Live By
Pictures from Pixabay

Be Love, Seek Joy - Trina Graves, Spiritual Quotes To Live By

New Earth

Based on teachings of Kryon-Lee Carroll

In the 60’s to the 80’s
Compassion began to grow
More and more human beings
We’re letting it show

We’d evolved to a point
Where everything could change
All the doomsday prophecy
Became possible to re-arrange

‘The Harmonic Convergence’
An esoteric event in ‘87
Began the great shift
Also known as the 11:11

The vibration on Earth
Had raised enough to bring
An end to the old energy
A new one could begin

Our Higher-Selves were asked
Out of physical and linear time
Do you want to stay this way
Or, do you want to climb?

We could stay in the old energy
And live through its prophecy
Armegedden, an end to Earth
Foretold often, so clearly

Or, move to a new energy
Creative, yet unknown
A chance for Peace on Earth
Because we’d Spiritually grown

Old Souls would wake up first
Becoming Lighthouses on Earth
Their Light waking up others
To know their true inner worth

The answer of course was ‘YES!’
We wanted the new road
Knowing it would not be easy
With much negativity to unload

Terrible events had to play out
For the people to fully see
9/11, wars, pandemic
For the questioning of reality

The Galactic Alignment reached
Halfway, 2012 in December
A much hyped event
Winter Solstice, do you remember?

A turning point, to go Higher
In this 36 year alignment
1994 to 2030
Bringing to all astonishment

And now 8 years later
Winter Solstice 2020
A planetary alignment
Excitement, there is plenty!

As a year of revelations
Draws to an end
A signal from above
A message to send

Seen as the great star
Over 2,000 years ago
Remembrance in our Heart
Blossoms to Divinely glow

We are moving to New Earth
Everything changing everywhere
The lower energies can’t survive
With all the Divine Love we share

The Light is too bright
For them to hide away
Nothing can be hidden
They’ve no power to sway

The manipulation of us all
Throughout so many years
Kept us under control
Instilling malicious fears

Now we step into New Earth
And claim our Sovereign Power
We are Divine Creative Beings
Worldwide we reign our Light shower

Trina Graves – 18th December 2020

About This Poem

At the 2020 winter solstice we moved into the Age Of Aquarius, the age of Peace on Earth.

What has been playing out during 2020 and moving into 2021 has been about bringing the masses (as many as possible) to an awareness of the control and manipulation that has been dominating our world for many, many years. Now there is so much Light on planet Earth that the dark ones can no longer hide. We are here to create and witness the New Earth that will bring about a totally different world where love, light, beauty, peace and compassion will dominate.

I have several poems to add about ‘New Earth’ so this will be a new series, this poem was not the first one written, but is being posted first due to it being ‘about’ New Earth.


part of inspirational poem 'New Earth' by Trina Graves - Spiritual Quotes To Live By
Be Love, Seek Joy - Trina Graves, Spiritual Quotes To Live By

2020: A to Z

Awakening the masses is the goal
By opening the people’s eyes to the lies and control
Covid-19 the cabals plot to seize totalitarian world power
Devastation and death worldwide to make humanity cower
Evolution of consciousness enabled a change for all Earth
Flipping the coin to bring Higher Awareness of self-worth
God is within every single Soul
Heaven on Earth now an attainable goal
Illuminate, cabal, the 1%, elite or deepstate
Jeopardized humanity with division and hate
Knowledge is now being uncovered everywhere
Learning the truth as many whistleblowers share
Mainstream media has always been controlled, it’s fake news
Now the people can discern and choose
Opening their minds to what’s now playing out
Politics, pedophilia worldwide the focus, without a doubt
Q a guidance to seek truth, questioning always
Reality is changing so fast through these days
Spiritual warfare is what’s really going on
Trump the front man, the evil couldn’t con
Underground tunnels, the deepest of shock
Vaccines, Hollywood, corrupted systems, all a hard knock
Waking the world to overwhelming debauchery
X-rated, be careful, discern what you see
Yet out of this we will clean up and heal centuries of hurt
Zealous for change, we must rise up United to clear all the dirt

Trina Graves – 21st August 2020

About This Poem

I have had this poem ‘ready to go’ for many weeks, but the timing never seemed right!

Since the ‘virus’ began there has been an increase in people Awakening by having their lives changed with all the restrictions to everyday life. Some evidence trickles into mainstream of the corruption that has been going on for such a very long time, but the majority is highly censored. So far it is mainly those who have questioned the confusing and often nonsense narrative that have Awakened, but now as things progress the numbers will rise greatly!

Centre stage is America, but it involves the whole world. The elite (illuminati, cabal, deep state) are being taken down. It has nothing to do with politics and government (although they are one of the tools used by them) it is about good vs evil.

We are certainly going through a very crazy time! And I know that some reading this poem will not like the line about Donald Trump. Before this year, I never had any interest whatsoever in politcs, especially once I learned of the Illuminati, it confirmed my intuition that the idea of different parties was false. Before this whole virus thing started, I had heard of the great negativity towards Trump and thought there must be some truth to it as it was so overwhelming. However, what got my attention was his continual stating that the mainstream media was ‘fake news.’ This I knew was a ‘truth,’ so it made me question the perception of him and to learn more.

Knowing nothing in the mainstream could be trusted, I watched his speeches, read some of his executive orders and listened to other sources. One of the first things I was surprised to learn was that he does not take a salary from being President, but donates it to charity. Certainly an indication that he is not in his position to make money. He is also the first President in a very long time to not go to war ANYWHERE in the world.

From my own research, listening to Spiritual channellers I trust, and looking within, I do believe that Trump was brought in to be the front man in bringing about the ‘Great Awakening’ and to ‘Drain The Swamp.’ He is not perfect, he is human and we all make mistakes, but I believe he is on the side of the Light, especially with all he has done towards stopping human (and especially child) trafficking. The Dark and all their satanic evil deeds are being uncovered for us all to be aware of what has been going on for hundreds of years.

This is NOT about politics, there are good and bad on BOTH sides. It is about good vs evil, light vs dark, freedom vs control. A Spiritual war.

The US Election
As you can see, this poem was written in August, if it was more recent I am sure the American election would have been included!

I believe this whole fiasco is about bringing out the truth of how elections have ALWAYS been manipulated, it is not just about this one, and not only about America. However, the level of fraud and corruption for the 2020 election is the worst it has ever been. The evidence has been available to everyone who has taken the time to watch the live hearings, but is totally denied by mainstream news as they push their false narrative. Time will tell.

This manipulation of the election and how mainstream media worldwide have colluded. will not only bring the downfall of the corrupt, but will Awaken many more ordinary people who are still unaware of what has really been going on. Then, more and more will be made public of the terrible crimes carried out by those who have been following the evil agenda.

Underground Tunnels/DUMBS
Throughout these past months I have hoped and prayed that what I heard of the deep underground tunnels is disinformation, because if it does prove to be truth it will cause the deepest of shock and overwhelming sadness to humanity. I was unsure of whether to mention it in this A to Z, but the words flowed so it was included. Although at the moment there is no hard physical evidence about the tunnels, there is certainly enough evidence showing that child trafficking and pedophillia are not only big business, but have been VASTLY covered up worldwide by police, courts, charities, social services, mainstream media, film & music industries etc..

The Light Has Won!
I had thought the plan of bringing down the Cabal would be in the mainstream months ago, but as time progresses it’s easier to see how everything is happening s-l-o-w-l-y to allow the Awakening of more people worldwide. However, it will very soon come to a point where the remaining masses will be red pilled.

The good news is that the Light has already won, we are just living through the story of what the dark had intended for us being made available to those who believed everything fed to them through the ‘news,’ and all of the systems of the world, were the truth.

New Earth
We are Blessed by being here on planet Earth at this auspicious time, to witness and be a part of the raising of vibration to enable a New Earth to be manifested.


I AM the Love
I Am the Light
I Am the Truth
I Am the Joy
I Am

2020 A to Z - poem by Trina Graves - Spiritual Quotes To Live By

Update 2023 – The Great Awakening

Compiling this new category in 2023 this was an obvious poem to include. This Spiritual war is still on-going, but slowly the truth is coming forth and more people are Awakening and questioning not only the absurd things going on now, but also, the truths of all our media-fed manipulation and our mainstream-fed history. The Light has won!


Be Love, Seek Joy - Trina Graves quote - Spiritual Quotes To Live By

The Garden

The garden is created
Beautiful in simplicity
With the purest of flowers
And a baby, sapling tree

The temporary gardeners
Nurture with great care
Developing the garden
With the love they share

But busy with life
Tasks to do, no end
Some weeds will grow
They can’t always tend

The tree is always growing
Rooting deep in the Earth
It’s core strength develops
To branch out in self-worth

Seasons come and go
Years pass quickly by
The gardeners relinquish
For the owner to try

With supervision at first
The owner will learn
Where to place attention
And what is of concern

Much advice is given
And many seeds added too
By visitors to the garden
As they walk through

Tended often, or not at all
The garden will always grow
Flowers planted or self-seeded
Some develop fast, others slow

Most owners don’t weed at all
For many, many years
Until they come to realize
It’s developed all their fears

Venturing into their garden
Overgrown, some parts dense
Thistles, vines, thorns, weeds
The scale of the task.. immense!

Pulling on one single vine
Can reach far and wide
It was strangling many plants
They would have all died

An abundance of thistles
Prickly bushes causing injury
Overpowering all simple flowers
No light of day could they see

Starting in a corner
Pulling weeds, just a few
Brings a sense of relief
Clarity begins to seep through

Working in the garden
Clearing, no longer a chore
The owner now perceives
Simple beauty known before

Maybe clearing a path
Adding a seat in the sun
Enjoying the peace
Meditation begun

Opening the garden
To the Spiritual Reality
Communion with God
Ever there to simply be

Trina Graves – 18th August 2020

About This Poem

Although this poem was never intended to be about this year, I do feel that it is relevant as we have all had – and are still having – time to ‘tend our gardens’ in the physical, mental and spiritual aspects, with the shutting down of our old way of life.

Many of my poems have been about, or mention, how a baby and child are shaped by the experiences and vibrations that surround them in the vitally important first seven years. ( Assimilation )

How our lives are shaped from our childhood was one of my first interests as I began my Spiritual path, and it has continued to be an important aspect for me to write on. As I am sure many older people would agree, – if I knew then (when I had young children to nurture) what I know now, I would certainly have done many things differently.

So, now I share my words in the hope that they will fall into the hands of any parents to ponder, and maybe make some changes that will enrich their children’s lives, and their own in the process.

I believe it is also important to know that it is never too late to tend to our own gardens, clearing away the weeds that have developed over the years. And, remember that the sweetest fragrance comes for the flowers of forgiveness, gratitude and love. Our parents (or caregivers) were tending our early gardens with the seeds sown in their own gardens.


The Garden - inspirational poem by Trina Graves - Spiritual Quotes To Live By
Joey (2013)
Be Love, Seek Joy - Trina Graves quote - Spiritual Quotes To Live By

2020: Apex Of Duality

Right now keeping positive, as much as possible, is a priority for everyone. Being stressed suppresses the immune system, and with the revelations that are now coming forth it will be very easy to caught up in the high drama of it all. With this in mind, I have compiled a page of links to my poems that are relevant at this time:

About the pandemic
Affirmations to keep focused on God within
LightWorker poems
Wisdom for 2020
Sympathy poems for comfort 

There is also a slideshow of some of the poems with quotes from others too.

Never Mind What Is

Title Quote: Abraham-Hicks

Never mind what is…
It’s your thoughts that create what’s true
Never mind what is…
Just focus on the new you

Never mind what is…
It’s all in the past
Never mind what is…
None of this will last

Never mind what is…
Each moment is a new beginning
Never mind what is…
So much joy, Law Of Attraction is bringing

Never mind what is…
Your thoughts create your reality
Never mind what is…
In your mind you can clearly see

Never mind what is…
Everything you desire is heading your way
Never mind what is…
Your Vortex is the place to stay

Trina Graves – 12th May 2011
Updated version below

About This Poem

I have had this older poem in my drafts to add since I first started this blog. In October last year I wrote the following in preparation to post this poem…

For many years I listened to a great deal of Abraham-Hicks, and read their books. I learnt so much, and the teachings changed my whole attitude to life. However, this year (2019) I have hardly listened to them at all! It was always my way to uplift, but I have only just realised that I haven’t needed the upliftment.  This year has certainly flown by, and I find it hard to believe that we only have just over two months until will enter the ending of this decade and step into the 2020’s. In the past, whenever I thought of the 20’s it always seemed so futuristic, and as though we would be in a different world!

The basis of the ‘Never Mind What Is’ that Abraham teaches, is because what we are seeing and experiencing around us – at any time – is what we previously vibrated, therefore the only point of time that really matters is NOW. 

If we change how we are feeling in the NOW,
then we will attract and create a different future experience.

I feel that as we move into the next decade we will also be stepping into a newer energy and the relevance of this quote could change as our manifestation power speeds up and we start to create more in the NOW. 

I have added the bold and underline to the sentence as in the light of events around the world this year, this poem takes on so much more meaning. I have also now added a little more to the poem below…

2020: Never Mind What Is

Never mind what is… going on around our world
It’s your thoughts that create what’s true
Never mind what is… or is not going to happen
Just focus on the new you

Never mind what is… spreading ‘virally’
It’s all in the past
Never mind what is… change is a part of life
None of this will last

Never mind what is…  you have all the power
Each moment is a new beginning
Never mind what is… by your focus
So much joy, Law Of Attraction is bringing

Never mind what is… shown by the media
Your thoughts create your reality
Never mind what is… truth or fiction
In your mind you can clearly see

Never mind what is… by your Divine Power
Everything you desire is heading your way
Never mind what is… to receive abundant goodness
Your Vortex is the place to stay

For those who are not familiar with Abraham-Hicks, the Vortex refers to being in a state of optimism, joy, love, light, or (in other words) alignment with your Higher-Self/God Source.

If we change how we are feeling in the NOW,
then we will attract and create
a different future experience.

Over the past months with so much of the world being in varies stages of lockdown it has been the perfect opportunity to reflect and seek our true self. Many more people have now come to the realization that so much of the way of life we have lived, without questioning, has not been for the highest good of all humanity and our beautiful planet.

Slowly, but surely, more of the masses are Awakening to understand how the few have ruled over the many. As each week passes and more confusing and nonsensical rules are given, it is becoming clearer that this whole Covid threat is nothing about a virus, but so much more about control.

However, we hold the true power as there as so few of them! So let’s all use our Divine Power to focus on bringing forth a New Earth of Love, Light, Compassion, Joy, Peace and Beauty.


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2020: Apex Of Duality

Right now keeping positive, as much as possible, is a priority for everyone. Being stressed suppresses the immune system, and with the revelations that are now coming forth it will be very easy to caught up in the high drama of it all. With this in mind, I have compiled a page of links to my poems that are relevant at this time:

About the pandemic
Affirmations to keep focused on God within
LightWorker poems
Wisdom for 2020
Sympathy poems for comfort 

There is also a slideshow of some of the poems with quotes from others too. 

Death Has No Sting

Quote Title: Kryon-Lee Carroll

Death has no sting
You’ve done it before
You just open up
And go through a door

Leaving your overcoat
To be recycled to Earth
Not needed anymore
It contains no worth

Leaving linear time
Re-uniting your Energy
Remembering who you are
A Being of Divinity

Viewing the life you had
With compassionate eyes
In Earth’s duality
It’s hard to be wise

You made some mistakes
Had lessons to learn
But even bad experiences
Will cause no concern

For there is no judgment
To be faced, at all!
Only Compassionate Wisdom
On you will befall

And Unconditional Love
From All-That-Is, Source
All Beings of Light
Know you, of course

For you are one too
A Light Spark of God
You probably forgot
As the Earth, you trod

With no limits to contain
Your Essence of Light
You can make a choice
For you, that is right

To stay there awhile
In the Love, to bask
Or return to Earth
To continue your task…

While living on Earth
Can you open your door
And merge with your Light
To shine ever-more?

Only those on Earth
Will feel the sting
Of your passing
But, it also can bring

A way for them
To begin to start
Remembering the Truth
And open their Heart

If they do this
They will soon see
You are with them
Here, and to Eternity

Trina Graves – 16th January 2020

About This Poem

Opening the door within is our true task for life here on our planet of duality. This is a great Awakening and once that door is fully opened it is easy to accept and understand that there really is no death. The misunderstanding has come from our forgetting this when we are born, and being in a dense world of duality there has to be an opposite to ‘life’ and so we created ‘death’ to be a non-existence.

At our present time ‘death’ is a fear that is being powerfully fuelled by governments and mainstream media worldwide. This ultimate fear grips and clutches tightly to people’s minds and makes them easier to control. Once this fear is eliminated it allows us to think and see from a Higher Perspective and be able to look for answers that are not just daily fed to us.


Death Has No Sting - Inspirational sympathy poem by Trina Graves - Spiritual Quotes To Live By

2020: Apex Of Duality

Right now keeping positive, as much as possible, is a priority for everyone. Being stressed suppresses the immune system, and with the revelations that are now coming forth it will be very easy to caught up in the high drama of it all. With this in mind, I have compiled a page of links to my poems that are relevant at this time:

About the pandemic
Affirmations to keep focused on God within
LightWorker poems
Wisdom for 2020
Sympathy poems for comfort 

There is also a slideshow of some of the poems with quotes from others too. 

A Wake Up Storm

My Vision – 28th April 2014

The day was unexpectedly hot
For so early in the year
I ignored my usual hay fever
As I had long grass to clear

The task took nearly an hour
With a lawn large in size
Struggling to keep on going
Through stinging, watery eyes

Determined to complete the job
I coughed, spluttered and wheezed
The petrol fumes didn’t help
Nor the multitude times I sneezed

My breathing was getting difficult
By the time I was complete
Feeling dizzy and rather anxious
I collapsed on a comfy seat

For several years I’d experienced
Moments my heart and breath took flight
I’d learned to calm my thoughts
And breath slowly, to put things right

Usually within a few minutes
Of focused breathing I’d be okay
If not a glass of water
Would wash my anxiety away

But this time I felt no relief
Even after half an hour
So I went to lay down and rest
As fear stalked my positive power

After a while it eased a little
Then I thought to ease my mind
I’d visit my Guide for advice
And see what help I’d find

I visualised myself on the beach
James was waiting there for me
But as I walked over towards him
Darkness came across the sea

By the time I had reached him
A raging storm had a strong hold
Drenched, we ran to a cave
To seek shelter from the cold

Drying off by a campfire
Asking, “What should I do?”
“Storms of life come and go
You can shelter to see you through”

I asked, if it was serious?
And James then took my hand
We walked outside to the beach
Now sunny, and soft, dry sand

Smiling at me, James went
Floating up into the sky
Holding his hand, I went with him
He was laughing, as we flew up high

‘Wow! This is amazing!
I can see all around up here’
My thoughts raced in awe
Everything becoming so clear

But then a thought crossed my mind
‘Does this mean I’m going to die?’
It seemed the obvious depiction
For elevating up into the sky

As a million thoughts crowded in
I shouted “NO!” and let go
I wasn’t ready to die
I wanted to develop and grow

I had no fear of death
I’d lost that years before
But I didn’t want to leave
My children and grand, at all

I still had so much to do, with
My dreams and wishes to inspire
That had not yet come to fruition
I couldn’t let them sink into the mire

I realised I was shocked
And actually cross with myself
Was this my Wake Up Call
To look after my health?

And also a sign to get on
With what I came here for
Stop dilly-dallying about
And fly high to my Spiritual Core

Trina Graves – 18th September 2019

About This Poem

I have had this poem drafted ready to add since September 2019 but never felt the time was right. This morning I woke with this one on my mind and realised that it was very relevant to what is going on in our world right now. It seems so obvious to me now, but incredibly I never saw the link until today… Divine Timing!

This whole Covid-19 pandemic/plandemic (depending on how you perceive it) is a global ‘Wake Up Storm’ concerning not only our health, but raising our vibration or ‘Spiritual Core’ on a worldwide scale.

On a Higher (Soul) Level this is something we all agreed to work towards and were destined to manifest, and from that Higher Perspective the worldwide ‘lockdown’ is an ingenious way to achieve not only quiet time of reflection, but also a breaking down of the myriad of systems that have ruled over our planet and people throughout history.

We are truly stepping forth into the New Earth, to live in a 5D world of Unity with Love, Compassion and Forgiveness to all – even for those who have waged crimes against humanity.

How long it takes for us to completely Ascend to this on a planetary level depends upon those who are still ‘sleeping’ Awakening, and at what level ALL the Awakened Souls are at.


A Wake Up Storm - inspirational poem by Trina Graves - Spiritual Quotes To Live By


2020: Apex Of Duality

Right now keeping positive, as much as possible, is a priority for everyone. Being stressed suppresses the immune system, and with the revelations that are now coming forth it will be very easy to caught up in the high drama of it all. With this in mind, I have compiled a page of links to my poems that are relevant at this time:

About the pandemic
Affirmations to keep focused on God within
LightWorker poems
Wisdom for 2020
Sympathy poems for comfort 

There is also a slideshow of some of the poems with quotes from others too.