Brothers: Surrounded With Love

Surrounded with love
All through the years
In times of great joy
And moments of tears

Throughout it all
Love is always there
In the family bond
You came here to share

Brought up with love
Aged many years apart
The strength of family
Ingrained in the heart

Drifting apart in time
As families move on
Starting new generations
In the heart to belong

And era sadly ends
Parents leave the Earth
Roots ripped out of sight
Held strong since birth

Still surrounded with love
From their new dimension
It’s more easy to feel
When feeling no tension

Times together dwindle
As the years pass so fast
Children, grand and great
Bring echoes of the past

Memories of youth
Funny stories to tell
As the mind grows old
It’s uplifting to dwell

And then one-by-one
Comes the time to go
Uniting with loved ones
Leaving blessings to grow

14th October 2021 – Trina Graves

About This Poem

I wrote this poem for my father’s 85th birthday last year. He is the oldest of three boys and was eight years old when his first brother was born, the other brother came along three years later. Their mother died when they were young adults, but their father lived many more years.

The middle brother moved abroad to live many years ago, so they didn’t very often get together. In more recent years different illness affected all three, and last year this brother died, which is the reason I wrote this poem for my dad.

On looking for a photograph to use for his birthday card I came across the pictures below, and with the same pose, so many years apart, the poem grew from there.


Brothers: Surrounded With Love -

Death Is The Greatest Illusion

Quote Title: Osho Rajneesh

Death is the greatest illusion
We never cease to exist
It’s just our Earthly body
That will be truly missed

We are pure eternal Beings
A part of our Creator, Source
The most used name is God
Some doubt this, of course

It takes an open mind
Not limiting by old belief
To realise the simple truth
There is no need for grief

Just by sending out a thought
Our loved ones are close by
Though in another dimension
Not floating around in the sky!

We live in a 3D world
All linear in time and space
A beginning and an end
For all the human race

However, humans are evolving
Moving into a world of 5D
And from that new perspective
Other dimensions we can see

Trina Graves – 31st December 2021

About This Poem

Sympathy poems are where I began my own Spiritual Path in this life 30 years ago, and are one of the topics I most enjoy writing about, I often wonder if my surname had any sway in this!

I have chosen this poem to add this week as my ex-mother-in-law passed a few days ago. My marriage ended not long after my path began, infact, my immerging Spiritual Beliefs were one of the things that caused probems with my ex. I share this because although I hardly ever saw this wonderful lady after the split, I always felt that the physical bond was not needed to continue the love shared. Along the lines of the theme of this poem, from the Higher Perspective we are One and are never apart.

I had known her since I was six years old as my parents were friends, eventually marrying her son she became an absolutely wonderful grandmother to my children and taught me many lessons through her example.

I Bless her on her journey and know we will one day meet again and can celebrate the experiences we shared in this lifetime.


Death Is The Greatest Illusion - quote Osho Rajneesh,, sympathy poem by Trina Graves - Spiritual Quotes To Live By

Death Has No Sting

Quote Title: Kryon-Lee Carroll

Death has no sting
You’ve done it before
You just open up
And go through a door

Leaving your overcoat
To be recycled to Earth
Not needed anymore
It contains no worth

Leaving linear time
Re-uniting your Energy
Remembering who you are
A Being of Divinity

Viewing the life you had
With compassionate eyes
In Earth’s duality
It’s hard to be wise

You made some mistakes
Had lessons to learn
But even bad experiences
Will cause no concern

For there is no judgment
To be faced, at all!
Only Compassionate Wisdom
On you will befall

And Unconditional Love
From All-That-Is, Source
All Beings of Light
Know you, of course

For you are one too
A Light Spark of God
You probably forgot
As the Earth, you trod

With no limits to contain
Your Essence of Light
You can make a choice
For you, that is right

To stay there awhile
In the Love, to bask
Or return to Earth
To continue your task…

While living on Earth
Can you open your door
And merge with your Light
To shine ever-more?

Only those on Earth
Will feel the sting
Of your passing
But, it also can bring

A way for them
To begin to start
Remembering the Truth
And open their Heart

If they do this
They will soon see
You are with them
Here, and to Eternity

Trina Graves – 16th January 2020

About This Poem

Opening the door within is our true task for life here on our planet of duality. This is a great Awakening and once that door is fully opened it is easy to accept and understand that there really is no death. The misunderstanding has come from our forgetting this when we are born, and being in a dense world of duality there has to be an opposite to ‘life’ and so we created ‘death’ to be a non-existence.

At our present time ‘death’ is a fear that is being powerfully fuelled by governments and mainstream media worldwide. This ultimate fear grips and clutches tightly to people’s minds and makes them easier to control. Once this fear is eliminated it allows us to think and see from a Higher Perspective and be able to look for answers that are not just daily fed to us.


Death Has No Sting - Inspirational sympathy poem by Trina Graves - Spiritual Quotes To Live By

2020: Apex Of Duality

Right now keeping positive, as much as possible, is a priority for everyone. Being stressed suppresses the immune system, and with the revelations that are now coming forth it will be very easy to caught up in the high drama of it all. With this in mind, I have compiled a page of links to my poems that are relevant at this time:

About the pandemic
Affirmations to keep focused on God within
LightWorker poems
Wisdom for 2020
Sympathy poems for comfort 

There is also a slideshow of some of the poems with quotes from others too. 

Parent’s Love… Always With You

No matter how long ago
Days, months, or many years
Their presence no longer in your life
Can bring some sadness and tears

But also, a tear of joy can fall
As you fondly reminisce
The Love you so dearly felt
Embraced, or a tender kiss

Or maybe they didn’t demonstrate
Their Love, with words or touch
But in your Heart you know the truth
They Loved you, so very much

You were their pride and their joy
All through your young childhood
And as you grew into an adult
Their inner-reflection, now stood

For you are linked in many ways
Not only through your DNA
But the Love and nurture that you felt
Remains in your Heart today

They may have left the physical
But their Energy of Love remains
Walking with you through your life
With all its joys and pains

With you through the celebrations
Births, weddings, and birthdays
Often caught in photographs
As energy orb displays

With you in the quiet times
When they pop into your mind
Wanting to bring you inner peace
Their Love, you can always find

With you when your Heart aches
And when you can take no more
They know you’ll heal in time
Because their Love is in your core

With you at times of success
Proud to be the parent of you
Throughout all your milestones and goals
They were there, to see you through

With you in times of trouble
Worry, stress, and strife
Their compassion and support
Always with you, through your life

For we are not just physical
But Eternal Beings of Love
Growing through our Earthly lives
Linked always below and above

Sharing and experiencing all of life
With our Soul group, we walk
And if we open-up our Heart
To the other side we can talk

Always with you… in your Heart
Always with you… every day
Always with you… in Loving Energy
Always with you… they will stay

Always with you, and especially
They await your presence above
One day in time you’ll be together
To reminisce your lives of Love

They will be there on that day
Excited to embrace, and you’ll see
When you transition to the other side
They were always with you, in Love Energy

Trina Graves – 16th October 2019

About This Poem

I wrote this poem for my Dad’s 83rd birthday (on 18th October), I made it into a small book that also contained pictures of his parents. My grandmother Evelyn died in 1967, aged 60, and my grandfather James in 1999, aged 85. I was only six when my nanny died, but I have fond memories of her because we lived next door, so were able to be with her often. I was given the name Evelyn (middle name) and I know I am like her in many ways. I have always felt a closeness to her throughout the years, and I know she is with me often too.

The idea for the poem was given to me (from Spirit) and I instantly knew it would be perfect to write for my Dad. My Mum has always been the ‘Spiritual’ one of my parents, but my Dad is unsure of such matters, so I do like to share my views with him, especially as a way of hopefully opening the door – just a little, if he’s willing – for him to see the Light that can shine through. 

Although this poem is about ‘parental’ love, I believe that it is really true about any love relationship and of course, for me it rings true about my grandparents and me too.

Evelyn was a doting mother and grandmother and easily showed her love, but James was very reserved, due to the times he lived in and his very hard upbringing, which is why there is a verse on not physically demonstrating love.

If this poem was not written especially for my Dad, I would have also included some verses to talk of those parents who were not present in the child’s physical life, or who might have physically or mentally mis-treated their child. I would have said: no matter what happens in any family relationship, on the Higher or Spiritual level the conditions gone through were pre-chosen by both Souls and at the core of it all there is only love, which will be revealed when united at death. I can now see I need to write another poem to cover this! 🙂 

Although it was not written as a ‘sympathy’ poem, I believe that it is certainly a part of this category, so I will include it with my other Sympathy Poems.

Parent's Love.. Always With You - by Trina Graves - Spiritual Quotes To Live By
My paternal grandparents James & Evelyn (late 1950’s)


Now You Know

Now You Know
The beauty of your Soul
Life will never break you
Your essence remains whole
Now… You Know

Now You Know
Love is who you are
Unconditional and eternal
Radiant as the brightest star
Now… You Know

Now You Know
The Light is a part of you
Source Energy, God
Shines in all you do
Now… You Know

Now You Know
Life is about having fun
Creating and expanding
Forever learning from day one
Now… You Know

Now You Know
Everything is a reflection
Of thoughts and beliefs
Mirroring your attention
Now… You Know

Now You Know
You create your reality
You hold all the power
To be who you want to be
Now… You Know

Now You Know
You are singularly unique
No one will ever be the same
In mind, or in physique
Now… You Know

Now You Know
You are One in Unity
With all life, your Soul
A Source Spark eternally
Now… You Know

Now You Know
We are never apart
Separation is an illusion
We’re always together at heart
Now… You Know

Now You Know
The love I feel for you
At entry and exit to life
It overpowers to guide me through
Now… You Know

Now You Know
Life is eternal, on the other side
We choose to stay, or be re-born
To go for another enlightening ride
Now… You Know

Now You Know
Transitioning between the two
At birth and death, a doorway
We all pass our way through
And There… We All Know

Trina Graves – 1st August 2019

About This Poem

The title of this poem just popped into my head one day, so I wrote it down with a note that it would be a sympathy poem.

I was reminded of how I received a message from my grandmother at Spiritualist church (she died when I was six), With the description of her and what was said, I had no doubt that it was her, but what stuck in my mind most was her saying that when she was alive she would never have set foot in a Spiritualist Church, but now she was so happy to be able to speak to me at one! 

When I was writing the poem, I was about half way through when I realized it was not just about someone who has died, but also about babies at birth too.

I believe all babies come with this inner-knowing, so fresh from Source it is the reason they shine so bright and we are so intoxicated by them. In our dense world, and with all of the negative programming that has continued throughout the ages, the majority of children loose their inner-knowing as they grow up. Although, of course, it can be re-awakened at anytime.

I also believe that we are now in a time where children are able to hold onto these truths. Many of the arrivals so far have been given the ‘labels’ of crystal, indigo or rainbow children, but I believe the majority of babies will soon be able to sustain their Light throughout childhood and into adulthood. 

Now You Know by Trina Graves - part of inspirational poem - Spiritual Quotes To Live By
image from Pixabay – ddzphoto

The Timing Of Your Death Is Always Chosen By You

Title Quote: Abraham-Hicks

We are all born into this life
Not knowing how long it will be
But would we truly desire to know
If granted the length to see?

Before we came we made a choice
Of when our life would end
Fitting in with our Spiritual Path
United with family and friend

Together we made a pact
To challenge, grow, inspire
Aiming to expand our Souls
Each lifetime raising Higher

Oneness in eternal growth
Love and Light our essence, core
Agreeing to help each other
Before we enter through Earth’s door

Being in truth complete Love and Light
We have to bury it very deep
If we want to allow another Soul
To flow the Love they keep

In a world of light and dark
Contract enables choice
Freewill is given to all
Will we heed our Spirit voice?

It’s easy for us to understand
Someone giving in, letting go
When faced with pain and disease
Releasing to the eternal flow

It’s hard to let them go
But we know they couldn’t stay
So with love and heavy heart
We bless them on their way

But someone who suddenly dies
From unknown illness or injury
Comes as a great shock
Causing us pain and misery

If it’s from another’s hands
The negativity can gain hold
It takes great strength to perceive
The Higher Truth to unfold

There are no accidents
Most is as we once planned
Together we worked it out
In our Home, a beautiful land

Freewill means that some
From their path will maybe stray
Twists and turns of fate
Sends them down the wrong way

But guidance is always there
Especially when asleep at night
Adjustments made to bring about
The conclusions that are right

Even a baby never born
Into an actual physical life
Made the choice to ‘die’
Growth can flow from strife

The parents and the baby
Agreed to share the tale
Always united in Spirit
All-knowing beyond the veil

The passing of a child
Is the greatest tragedy
We should never take for granted
There presence here to be

Every life is precious
Every Soul Heaven sent
Now is the only time we have
To show pure love, our core intent

Trina Graves – 20th February 2019

About This Poem

I have followed the guidance from Abraham-Hicks for many years, so obviously they feature quite a lot in my Quote Poems

I had this quote on my Spiritual Quotes To Live By site, but it came more to my attention when someone contacted me to ask for more understanding of this particular quote. Both of this person’s parents had been recently murdered so it was very tragic. I did my best to explain my understanding of the quote and at that time thought it would be a good quote to use for a poem, so I added it to my list, knowing that one day I would be drawn to writing it.

quote from sympathy poem by Trina Graves - The Timing Of Your Death Is Always Chosen By You - Spiritual Quotes To Live By

The Veil To All Knowledge

From where do we come from?
And at death, where do we go?
These are the questions in life
That we all want to know

Is there a God out there? We ask
At times of suffering and woe
How can he let these things happen to us 
If he truly loves us so?

Unconditional love is the key
To unlock the mysteries of time
God loves us unconditionally
No matter what our crime

We have free will to do what we like
We decide how we want to live
We can do no wrong in God’s eyes
There is no sin that God won’t forgive

This is very difficult for most to understand
It doesn’t fit in with what we have been told
We’re taught that God is to be feared – so don’t sin
Do as they say, your life has to fit the mould

But we are all individuals
Our lives aren’t supposed to be the same
What’s good for one person might not be for another
And nobody is to blame

If we could just learn to love as God
Unconditionally to all
We would know the answers to life and death
The Veil To All Knowledge would fall

Trina Graves – 31st October 2001

About This Poem

This was one of my earlier poems and although it is not using a ‘Conversations With God’ (Neale Donald Walsch) quote I can see now that it was based on the teachings from these books. The idea that God sees no wrong-doing was new to me at that time, and writing about it helped me to absorb the teaching.

I had written the above paragraph and then thought I’d check my database to see how early the poem was, and how it fitted in with my Conversations With God poems. This was my second poem intentionally written without a specific event to prompt it, and I was surprised to find (although I shouldn’t have been really) that it was written the day before my first Conversations With God quote poems! 

Trina Graves quote: If we could just learn to love as God, Unconditionally to all, We would know the answers to life & death, The veil to all knowledge would fall. - Spiritual Quotes To Live By

Update 29th April 2023 – The Great Awakening

Sorting through my old poems to compile those that mention anything to do with ‘The Great Awakening’ that we are currently going through worldwide, I was pleasantly surprised to find this very early one fitted into this category. Programmed to ‘fit in’ with society is now being seen as the manipulation that has controlled man through the ages, and Loving all people unconditionally is one of the highest priorities to Awaken to.

Apart from non-compliance, sending unconditional Love to those who have carried out the darkest of deeds is the quickest way we will overpower the dark. They cannot exist in so much Light. We are all here to grow Spiritually, even those who have a very, very long way to go to even feel compassion for their fellow man. We do not know of their pre-birth intent for this lifetime, nor what they have endured throughout their life. Inside every Soul there is a spark of God, so send Love to that spark, and the dark will be overpowered by the Light.


Death Is Not A Bad Thing… But A Joyous Thing

Title Quote: Abraham-Hicks

Why is it we all grieve
When someone passes on?
We’re just not connected to our truth
When we believe that they are gone

We’re taught as we grow up
That physicality is all we are
Limiting our perceptions
Blocking assistance from afar

In truth we are all Spirits
Whether here. or on another plane
On Earth we live our lives
For the experiences we gain

Over there time is not measured
There are no limits to believe
We are One, always together
There is no reason to grieve

Just because we cannot see them
Doesn’t mean they are not there
Our thoughts of love bind us together
All the treasured memories we share

Death is not a bad thing
We all make the transition home one day
But a joyous thing when we discover
Heaven is not so far away

Trina Graves – 16th November 2016

About This Poem

None of us want our loved ones to die and the majority of us grow up with a dread of this event happening to ourselves or anyone we know. However, all of this worry and heartache is only caused by our perception of death.

If we could only perceive and live as our true selves: Spiritual Beings Of Love & Light, Here To Experience Life, with no limits of self-doubt, separation and time, we would fully appreciate the death experience as we move ever onward on our Divinely Joyous journey. 

Abraham-Hicks also teach that we all choose the time of our death, whether this is at a grand-old age of 100 plus, an adult, child, baby or even stillborn. There are many reasons for the chosen length of time we might be physically in this world for this present life, and one day we will know the answers.

Death Is Not A Bad Thing - sympathy poem by Trina Graves of Spiritual Quotes To Live By

We Only Part To Meet Again (2)

Title Quote: John Gay

The very first time we had to depart
We don’t remember, but it’s deep in our heart
We left our true Home up above
Coming to Earth to create Joy and Love

All too soon, as a child we face the loss
Our parents leave us and we get cross
It’s a vital early lesson, we learn then
We Only Part To Meet Again

As the years go by, friendships do too
Some people have many, others a few
Romances are another tug at the heart
When often we have to be apart

Leaving our parents is a parting we make
It’s a difficult step for each side to take
Mothers especially feel the loss, but then
We Only Part To Meet Again

All these partings that through life go on
Show us that we can survive, and be strong
Separating can hurt for a time, but we must
Let go and move on, in Faith and Trust

All of us one day will make the journey back
Leaving our bodies, no clothes to pack
They’ll be rejoicing from many in Heaven when
We Only Part To Meet Again

Trina Graves – 25th November 2016

About This Poem

This was one of the times that when I had completed a poem using a quote as the title and theme and felt I wanted to write another but from a different perspective.

The first poem – We Only Part To Meet Again (1)  I wrote for my family and friends, hoping that when my time comes to leave this Earthly life they will be able to read my words and feel uplifted by them. But, I am aware that the words I share also give meaning to others who read them too. 

Before writing this second poem I hadn’t given any thought to all the partings we experience throughout our lives, but of course, these are only physical partings because in reality we are never truly apart.. for we are all ONE.

We Only Part To Meet Again (2) Inspirational poem by Trina Graves - Spiritual Quotes To Live By

We Only Part To Meet Again (1)

Title Quote: John Gay

When my time comes to leave
I really do truly believe
The goodbyes may be hard, but then
We Only Part To Meet Again

I will leave my overcoat behind
No use to me anymore because I’ll find
Expansion, Freedom, Unlimited Love
When my Spirit is released to the above

It might be easier for you to think of me
As gone on a journey across the sea
To a far away land as in times gone by
Before inventions enabled us to fly

Although we won’t be able to phone
You can still reach me when you’re alone
In Love and Peace, Uplifted in your heart
It will be as though we were never apart

Have an Uplifted Open mind and I’ll be there
The Energy of Love means we can share
Think of what to say to me, and you will find
I can talk to you through thoughts in your mind

Remember me by the Love we share
And know for you I always deeply care
Our Love goes on through all Eternity
So together forever we will always be

Trina Graves – 24th November 2016

About The Poem

I love to write uplifting sympathy poems as I have no doubt whatsoever that we continue on, so I want to share my beliefs with whoever is drawn to my words. None of us know when our last breath will be (in this life) and so I also want to leave words of love and spiritual wisdom for my family and friends when my time comes to go home. This quote from John Gay (1695 – 1732) fitted perfectly for my more personal words.

I write poems using quotes for my Spiritual Quotes To Live By website and sometimes after finishing a poem I know there is more for the quote and write another, which is why the title has a (1).

Here is poem number 2!

We Only Part To Meet Again - sympathy poem by Trina Graves of Spiritual Quotes To Live By

We Are Just Walking Each Other Home

Title Quote: Ram Dass

It’s a well-known way to view life
As a ‘Path’ we all must take
The Path can be rough or smooth
Depending on the choices we make

We can travel on our track alone
Or with close and trusted friends
Their presence gives us support
As we navigate the dips and bends

Varied loved ones will accompany us
Along the majority of our life path
The love we share gives us direction
The joy, lightens our way as we laugh

But where does this pathway begin?
And where does it go to, and end?
Or is it a vast circular Highway
We want to know, to comprehend

I believe the two points are the same
From Source we arrive at our birth
Wandering along to find our own route
The reason we decided to come to Earth

Experiencing the joys and the beauty
Giving unconditional love to one-and-all
Discovering our unique gift to share
Is the true path we all came here for

Sharing our love and our gifts
With any who join us on our roam
Enlightenment comes to let us know
We Are Just Walking Each Other Home

Trina Graves – 5th December 2016

About This Poem

When I am out taking nature photographs one theme I am always on the lookout for are pathways, as I know many quotes (and my poems) use the expression of life as a path we all follow. Wooded footpaths and beach footpaths are my favourites to photograph and use. When out for walks with others I will purposely lag behind so that I can get a shots of people usually in the distance of a footpath as I think they make excellent pictures for quotes.

When I sat to write the poem for this quote I thought it would be a sympathy poem, but when the words began to flow it was obviously going to be about the path of life.

Don’t Bother With A Funeral

Don’t bother with a funeral
It is a ceremony of old
The one we’ve clung to longest
It’s so hard to break the mould

Traditional Christenings and Weddings
Have moved on with passing time
Some have let go of the old ways
Knowing their absence is no crime

For God is not only in a church
Or wherever we go to pray
All-That-Is lives in our hearts
And Omnipresent, every day

Why put people through the agony
Of saying a last goodbye?
Producing memories of sadness
That linger and make us cry

Their passing causes enough pain
So why create even more?
Especially as they live on
The other side of a locked door

The door is locked to us for now
But one day we will have the key
And be united through our love
Together again, our ‘eyes’ will see

When our coats are worn and old
We all just easily throw them away
The body is just an overcoat we wear
Containing our Spirit, for our Earthly stay

Duty and respect are words we use
Keeping people locked in, to follow rules
It’s time to let go of past reasons
And follow our heart, to where it pulls

If we didn’t visit them much in life
Why do we haste to say goodbye?
Maybe guilt and regret play a part
‘Paying Respect’ a fitting white lie

Beautiful flowers adorn the box
Where our overcoat is laid to rest
But in life did we give them flowers?
When they can enjoy them, is truly best

So don’t bother with my funeral
No need for ceremony to say goodbye
Love me as in life, as I love you
And in death, I’ll wait to say ‘Hi’

Oh please, I do not want a ceremony
I’ve just got rid of my overcoat
I’m free now to be omnipresent
Into your thoughts I will easily float

I mean it truly, don’t give me a funeral
My dearest ones, I love you and truly care
Remember the happy times that we shared
And know, for you I will always be there

Trina Graves – 27th April 2016

About This Poem

I’m not too sure why I felt the need to write this poem, I guess it just brought together my thoughts and feelings on funerals. 

I personally believe…

If you are a flower-giver, they should be given to people while they are able to enjoy their beauty, I think it’s crazy to spend lots of money on elaborate arrangements for funerals, especially if you never gave the person flowers when they were alive. Flowers would be better off sent to the ones who are grieving to brighten up their home and show them they are being thought of.

Everyone should talk of their life stories to family and friends, it’s so much more personal and memorable to hear them from the actual person, than words spoken by another at a sad time.

The people we love should hear our words of love, respect and thankfulness while they are alive. Although I know they can also hear them when they are passed, we should all let them know they are loved and appreciated NOW.

Empty bodies do not need ornate boxes, elaborate vehicles for conveying or any other of the trappings of funerals. They do not need to be buried and visited. If cremated, it matters not what is done with the ashes.

I know most people would not agree with all of my thoughts, and I greatly respect whatever theirs are. As with everything in life, we live and die by our own choices.

My dad is in his 80’s and my mum will be 80 later this year. When I visit my parents and they mention anything about dying or their thoughts on their funerals, they are always apologizing for talking of such things. I constantly tell them I am happy to discuss this topic and don’t think of it as something we shouldn’t talk about. Only this last week both of them changed some of their wishes, so I guess it is something we continue to adapt as we go through life, however long we are blessed to be here.

At the moment, my wishes are for my empty body to be cremated as soon as possible with no coffin and no attendance from my loved ones. I like the idea of giving my loved ones a video of my favourite quotes and poems (including some of mine!) words of love and appreciation for the part they played in my life, photographs and my favourite uplifting songs, so I am working on that. I do not want a funeral service, but if my loved ones want to have a gathering, it is up to them. And hopefully (if I am blessed to have completed it in time!) they will have my choice of music and words to reflect upon!

Don't Bother With A Funeral - sympathy poem by Trina Graves of Spiritual Quotes To Live By


We Shall Not Die Alone

Title Quote: Blaise Pascal

There have always been stories
In modern times, and old
How at the time of passing
There are Heavenly re-unions to behold
We Shall Not Die Alone..
Heavenly Re-Unions Will Bring Us Home

We all have our own Guardian Angel
A Celestial Messenger from above
Always by our side throughout life
Giving guidance and Unconditional Love
We Shall Not Die Alone..
Our Guardian Angel Will Escort Us Home

There are other Divine Beings
Who agree pre-birth to take the part
To guide us through our life
Giving inspiration to our heart
We Shall Not Die Alone..
Our Spirit Guides Will Guide Us Home

We all have lost beloved family
Who’s passing made our hearts cry
Regardless of their time spent on Earth
It was so painful to say goodbye
We Shall Not Die Alone..
Beloved Family Will Take Us Home

There are even many family members
Who we never met in this present life
They passed over before our day of birth
But watch over us through trouble and strife
We Shall Not Die Alone..
Past Generations Will Support Us Home

We’ve also had devoted friends
From our youth or recent days
Who’ve transitioned to the other side
And we miss them in so many ways
We Shall Not Die Alone..
Departed Friends Will Accompany Us Home

Some have known the Unconditional Love
Of a faithful, friendly pet
Dog, cat or whatever animal
Their presence we never forget
We Shall Not Die Alone..
Our Faithful Pet Will Walk Us Home

All through our lives there have been people
Who have inspired us, guided and taught
Through school, books, history, or whatever
Knowledge and wisdom they brought
We Shall Not Die Alone..
Our Teachers Will Lead Us Home

Strangers cross our path through life
Sometimes briefly, or moments that last
But we always meet for a reason
Untold Blessings exchanged as we passed
We Shall Not Die Alone..
Blessed Souls Will Greet Us Home

If it’s meant to be our treasured Loved ones
Will be physically present on that day
We’ll have the chance to say farewell
And together for peace will pray
We Shall Not Die Alone..
Our Loves Will Bless Us Home

But, even if their physical presence
Is not there at our last breath
Our Love is a bond that unites us forever
Their Devoted Spirit will be present at our death
We Shall Not Die Alone..
Our Loves Spirits Will Send Us Home

We all have our own Inner Guidance
Our Source, Spirit, Higher-Self or Soul
When aligned our lives are Blessed
We are Loving, Joyful and Whole
We Shall Not Die Alone..
Our Higher-Self Will Unite Us Home

Some are truly Blessed with a Divine Encounter
Of a Being, so High and Supreme
Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, whoever they are
Their Blissful Presence will be like a dream
We Shall Not Die Alone..
Ascended Masters May Enlighten Us Home

So you see the journey we all take
Is never a lonely one
With so much Love surrounding us
Our home-coming celebrations will have begun
We Shall Not Die Alone..
An Abundance of Love Will Transport Us Home

Trina Graves – 17th November 2016

About This Poem

There are so many wonderful near-death experience stories shared by people from all walks of life and different religions, I have always enjoyed reading them and find them so comforting and inspiring. I think in every one I have read the person who ‘died’ came back and lived a different life than before, they were more loving, compassionate and spiritually minded.

Before my maternal grandmother died in 1993 she had several heart-attacks, after being resuscitated from the first one she told my mum that she was no longer afraid of dying because it had been so peaceful. Also, not long before she died she had a dream of walking on ahead of her children. 

My mother also told me the story of another relative who was in bed, unable to move for his last days, but just before passing he sat up and was happily talking to ‘someone’ in the room.

I truly believe that we are never alone in this life or the next, so, of course we will be ‘met’ for the crossing over. I also believe that as we create our world, we can therefore focus on and choose who we would like to be with us at this time. My paternal grandmother died when I was seven and my older brother was nine. We lived next door to her so were very close. My brother strongly believes that she will be the one to meet him when he dies, so I too am positive that she will be there for him.  I personally feel no need to determine ‘who’ will be the first one to greet me, it will all be a Blessed Re-union. 🙂 

We Shall Not Die Alone - sympathy poem by Trina Graves of Spiritual Quotes To Live By

Love Is Eternal

Our lives are blessed with loved ones
Which makes it harder to bear
When they are taken from our sides
And are no longer there

We miss their smile, their warmth, their love
And sink deeper into our grief
We’re told that time will heal the pain
But still there is no relief

At quiet times we may feel their presence
But pass it off with a rebuff
We think that our minds are playing tricks
As if we’re not suffering enough

The key to it all is an ‘open mind’
With this you’ll know the way
If your mind is open you’re willing to be
Ready to accept miracles each day

Our loved ones are not that far away
Although it can be hard to believe
Just reach out with your thoughts and love
And be open for the gifts you’ll receive

Love is eternal it never dies
When we pass, it’s all we can take
The love we share is never lost
The bond will never break

Trina Graves – 7th October 2001

About This Poem

Love Is Eternal was my very first attempt at writing a sympathy poem. It was also the first poem I intentionally wrote. I have always been drawn towards sympathy poems, not because of the loss of anyone close, but because I find most of them to be so uplifting. Looking back now, I can also see that this was part of my life path.

In January 1992 an uncle died. He was my mother’s oldest sister’s husband, and as I grew up he seemed to me to be a dominant man with old fashioned views of women. However, a few years before he died I spent some time working with him (my father had his own business, I worked in the office and my uncle helped out in establishing the marketing) and got to know a different side of his character. Now, I easily see where his views on women came from, as along with it being an older generations views, he only had the experience of brothers and sons. 

At the get-together after his funeral there were two printed out poems that were passed around, I read them and liked them so kept a copy. They were: I Am Standing On The Sea Shore (Luther F. Beecher, but often credited to Bishop Brent) and Death Is Nothing At All (Henry Scott Holland).

I read these many times and found them so uplifting that I began to look for more inspirational words, quotes and poems. And I started to write them all down in a special notebook with my favourite family photos on the inside covers. Thus began my quest on my spiritual path, that would lead me to begin my Spiritual Quotes To Live By website in 2010 and to write my own poems.

It is only in writing this now that I have realized: the influence he had on my life while he was alive was small, but since his passing, it has launched me to where I am today, because he also gave me a message in 1994 (through a medium) which has greatly affected my writing. You can read more about this with my poem: ‘Insight.‘  I think I should point out that he was not a ‘Spiritual’ man during his life, at least, not that I knew of.

How do you view sympathy poems? Are they something you only read when a loved one has passed or missed? Or, like me, do you find them uplifting and reassuring to speak of life continuing on?

Update March 2023

Since writing the above several years ago, I have written and added a poem ‘My Catalyst‘ that tells the story of my uncle’s importance in my life.


part of sympathy poem 'Love Is Eternal' by Trina Graves of Spiritual Quotes To Live By


The devastation that you bear
Causing your heart to rip and tear
I know there’s nothing I can say
That can take this pain away

The reason for this parting you don’t know
At times life can hit with a mighty blow
Wrenching deep down into your core
Changing your life forever more

In the days, months and years ahead
Through tumultuous emotions you’ll be lead
In time acceptance will seep through
Knowing there was nothing you could do

All I can hope is that you feel
The love that can help you heal
From so many close and far
Who care about how you are

Our thoughts, love and prayers are with you
Though there’s nothing physical we can do
So we all embrace you in pure love
To help protect you like a glove

Your precious little one
Who’s physical life never begun
Will always be in your heart
And you’ll never be apart

I would like to share with you
My beliefs, though you might think untrue
In time, the words I hope will bring
A ‘Light’ to ease your suffering

You felt their presence in the womb
Just as though they were in the room
Their core essence you could feel
Spiritual energy is truly real

We are Spiritual Beings first and bodies last
When on this Earth a spell is cast
To make us forget the plans we made
With other Souls a path we laid

Your special little Angel agreed with you
To bring an experience so raw and true
Of the sanctity of a non-physical life
That would at first cut you like a knife

You both knew you would always share
A connection, though they wouldn’t be there
Living the life you envisioned and planned
Through pregnancy, before death played its hand

Your dreams of happiness were crushed
As this tragedy unfolded and rushed
Into the depths of your very Being
To change forever your way of seeing

Sadly, some never wade the loss and grief
Pinning for years with little relief
Turning to addictions to ease the pain
Looking for answers and reasons to blame

Others, though hurting and feeling the loss
Know they have the courage and support to cross
The bridge over the river of perpetual sorrow
Glimpsing there’s always a brighter tomorrow

They know their Angel will travel on
Growing in Spirit, but never ‘gone’
Always hearing every thought and prayer
Throughout their ‘lives’ they continue to share

The limit of sight should never be
A definition of reality
Your little one is never far away
Although you can’t see them here today

It is through an uplifted, loving heart
That it is possible to even start
Connecting a stronger Spiritual link
It’s all to do with the way you think

In your dreams, in bed at night
You can visit the world of Light
And hold your precious little one
Until the dawning of the sun

I believe your path is the most difficult there is to face
With not even minutes of a life to treasure and retrace
So I send my Love, Light, Blessings and Prayers to you
Asking Heavenly Assistance to guide you through

Trina Graves – March 2017

About This Poem
I won’t say much about this poem as all my feelings about it are expressed in the poem. I have not shared it before except with the parents who it was written for. They have now been blessed with another addition to the family, although I know it does not take away any of the feelings of love and loss for their first son, it brings another joy into their lives and additional strength to move on.

So I would like to now share these words, hoping they will be of some upliftment to anyone who has gone through this heart-breaking experience. Of course, they are also for those who had a limited time with their precious ones – whether minutes, months or several years. 

Stillborn - sympathy poem by Trina Graves of Spiritual Quotes To Live By

Everything That Has A Beginning Has An End

Title Quote: Buddha

We all love enchanting, captivating stories
From very young children to the old
Reading stories uses our imagination
We’re engrossed in how they will unfold
Books can be just a few short pages
Or go on for a whole series that offer more
But all stories have a beginning and an end
The pleasure they make is what we read them for

Films and TV series capture our attention
As we sink into and establish the plot
Our senses are bombarded with emotions
Through characters, music and the scenery shot
A film lasts for a short time, only an hour or two
A complete series can go on for a year or more
But all films and series have a beginning and an end
The emotions evoked are what we watch them for

Some people enjoy enhancing nature
Planting various seeds into a flower-pot
They nurture and appreciate the beauty
Whether a lavender bush or forget-me-not
Flowers develop wondrous hues and fragrance
Scattering their elegance in gardens and more
But all flowers have a beginning and an end
Their pure beauty is what we grow them for

One of nature’s incredible, bountiful joys
Is the variety of trees that grow everywhere
Their magnificence and majestic presence
Is enhanced with the lessons they share
Strength, flexibility, change, importance of roots
They give us oxygen and so much more
But all trees have a beginning and an end
Vital life-enhancement is what we need them for

Over our lives most of us share some time
With a pet who becomes a family friend
It doesn’t matter what the animal type
It’s the faithful love that they can send
Companionship, loyalty, non-judgement
Whatever we share, they give so much more
But all animals have a beginning and an end
Their companionship is what we adore them for

And so we come to the point of these words
The hardest experience one day we all must face
When our nearest and dearest loved ones pass
Will we be able to abide it with good grace?

The simple, pure beauty of our family and friends
We enrich our lives together, with the pleasures we make
Our love and companionship is vital life-enhancement
As the emotions evoked bring our Hearts and Souls Awake

“Everything That Has A Beginning Has An End
Make Your Peace With That And All Will Be Well”
The Buddha’s words are an essential principle of life
To enable us when the time comes to say: ‘Farewell’

Trina Graves – 21st November 2016

About This Poem   

This was one of my poems that surprised me with how it ended. I started in my usual way (praying and asking for guidance) and then wrote a list of the topics to cover. Each verse flowed quite easily and I knew it was going to be a sympathy poem it was obviously going to move on to dying. But the ‘surprise’ was in how the ending of each verse came together for the penultimate verse.

Buddha quote: Everything that has a beginning has an end, used as title and theme for sympathy poem by Trina Graves of Spiritual Quotes To Live By

I Shall Not Altogether Die

Title Quote: Horace

I Am a Being of Light and Love
Sent to this Earth from above
My true self is a Spirit, so high
I Shall Not Altogether Die

I am a part of the Infinite Whole
The Light of God contained in my Soul
I remember this, whatever I try
I Shall Not Altogether Die

No matter which path in life I choose
I will succeed, I never lose
Lessons are learned, even from a lie
I Shall Not Altogether Die

I came here to always do my best
Sometimes it seems life is a test
But it matters not if I laugh, or cry
I Shall Not Altogether Die

Love and joy are my goals, while I’m here
Following my intuition, it becomes so clear
These are the treasures, so in Bliss, I sigh
I Shall Not Altogether Die

Loved ones leave, as I know they must
Although I grieve, with faith I trust
Our Love will unite us, that is why
I Shall Not Altogether Die

One day my body will cease to be
But I know that’s not the end of me
I’ll be Aware when my passing is nigh
I Shall Not Altogether Die

My Soul will journey on, and on
Through many lives, and bodies I’ll don
My Spirit growing as the times go by
I Shall Not Altogether Die

About This Poem

One of my all-time favourite quotes is: You are not a human on a Spiritual journey. You are a Spirit on a human journey. (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin) so this is something I do my best to convey in many of my poems. 

I have no doubt what-so-ever that we survive death. In the past I have had many messages through different mediums that were either unusual knowledge of myself or members of my family, or, I was given advice that would have a dramatic affect on my life. I no longer go to Spiritualist Church for various reasons, but I am grateful for all the messages and knowledge I gained over the time that I did. 

‘Sympathy’ poems are something I am drawn to and love to write. Death is a large part of life but is not talked about by so many people, it is also mostly considered to be a feared and extremely sad event. My wish with my poems is to bring this topic to everyone, not just to those who are grieving, and to shed light and cheerful acceptance on dying.. for we will all go through it ourselves one day! 

One Day My Body Will Cease To Be - part of poem by Trina Graves of Spiritual Quotes To Live By

Backpacking In Paradise

They have gone alone on a journey
To the most exotic faraway land
They’ll see crystal clear, vast seas
As they walk along soft golden sand

They can explore dense areas of forest
Abundant with magnificent plants and trees
Or stroll through a quaint picturesque village
Basking in the sights and the pleasant breeze

They might be feeling adventurous
And go climbing to majestic mountain tops
The view will be spectacularly awesome
Surrounded by the beauty that never stops

They might just want to sit and chat
Catching-up with a friend they have missed
Or, once again feel the loving embrace
Of a beloved, and be joyfully kissed

With no limits of health to stop them
And absolutely no chance of difficulty
They can do anything they desire or wish
Being their true selves and ultimately free

They took all they needed with them
Backpacking, they didn’t need much
Off-the-grid, but I don’t need to worry
As it seems, they may not keep in touch

I will lovingly think of them often, but continue
With my own life, knowing each and every day
They are experiencing an awesome adventure
Now young at heart, they can relax and play

One day I will put on my backpack
Filled with all my experiences and love
And I too will take the final journey
We will be re-united in Paradise above

Trina Graves – 11th June 2018

About This Poem

For a long while now I have liked to think of death as though the people we know and love have gone on holiday/vacation and it’s as though we have gone back to a period of time when we could not so easily contact them – being older this is easily remembered! So this idea has cropped up a few times in my poems.

I know the ‘backpacking’ was on my mind because my oldest granddaughter and her girlfriend were going backpacking in Asia mid-June for a few months. I awoke one morning with ‘Backpacking In Paradise’ on my mind and it kept coming back to me. It seemed a very fitting idea to use for a sympathy poem, because when we do leave there is not much we can take with us for our adventure ahead, except for the love, experiences and wisdom we have gathered – from giving and receiving – during our lifetime. 

Backpacking In Paradise - Sympathy Poem by Trina Graves - Spiritual Quotes To Live By

image from Pixabay

While We Are Sleeping, Angels Have Conversations With Our Souls

Title Quote: Unknown

While we are sleeping
We let go of physicality
To experience our true form
Of Spirit, unlimited and free
We can go anywhere at all
With no limits of time or space
Explore our magnificent Universe
Or our past-lives we can re-trace

While we are sleeping
The concept of time disappears
Losing all of its boundaries
Only to the physical it adheres
After closing our eyes to sleep
It seems only minutes have gone by
When many hours later we awaken
And adapt to times apparent lie

While we are sleeping
The door is open wide
To step through and appreciate
The world on the other side
Our Spirit leaves our body
Resting peacefully in our bed
We’re attached by a silver cord
It only breaks when we are dead

While we are sleeping
Our true self guides the way
We regain our pure perspective
And digest the current day
Although plentiful things transpire
Remembering only happens to a few
But just because we have forgotten
Doesn’t mean it isn’t true

While they are sleeping
Those nearing their life’s end
Are making preparations
To more easily comprehend
The letting go of this world
And moving on to better things
They are more likely to remember
The messages ‘sleeping’ brings

While we are sleeping
We can visit those we love
Here, or those departed
Transitioned to the Above
Sometimes we can recall
A ‘dream’ of those who’ve died
Our love unites us forever
Meeting eases tears we’ve cried

While we are sleeping
Some give assistance in many ways
Helping others make their transition
At the ending of their days
Or being with someone who’s down
Needing an uplifting smile that’s all
We are all linked together
Supporting each other forevermore

While they are sleeping
Babies bask in Spirituality
New to physical restrictions
Their Souls requisite to be free
Growing so fast requires sleep
As their minds and bodies change
Over years time works its wonders
And sleeping patterns rearrange

While we are sleeping
Our body’s cells all adjust
Unhindered by limiting thoughts
It’s why sleeping is a must
Our bodies can miraculously heal
And sleep plays a crucial part
In recovery from disease or wounds
To mind, body and emotional heart

While we are sleeping
We connect to our Higher-Self
And can take the opportunity
To assess our abundant wealth
In the multiple aspects of life
Our goal is to constantly do our best
Our Higher-Self knows the plan
Enlightening us when we’re at rest

While we are sleeping
Our Guides are always there
To support and give assistance
Because they truly care
They chose to be with us
For our life here on this Earth
Always giving loving guidance
Before and since our birth

While we are sleeping
Heavenly Angels gather around
Pure, Divine Beings of Light
To us mortals they are bound
Giving constant unconditional love
Helping us reach our goals
So, While We Are Sleeping
Angels Have Conversations With Our Souls

Trina Graves – 15th February 2016

About This Poem

This is one of the poems where, after praying and asking for guidance, I first wrote down a list of the ideas for each verse: being in Spirit, concept of time, visiting those passed on etc..

Some of the basis of this poem comes from my experiences…

I have been told by family members of how when some of there loved ones were nearing death they had vivid dreams of: climbing, crossing over, leaving family –  but always knowing what they were moving onto was good or better. 

Many years ago, at a Spiritualist church the medium spoke of how many people spend their sleeping hours working on the other side. She talked to one woman about the love and comfort she was giving to babies that she cuddled each night. I loved this idea and the thought of it stuck with me.

I have dreamt of what I believe are passed lives.

The verse about babies being new to physical restrictions and therefore needing more sleep to be free, was not something I ‘thought’ about, but once written made so much sense to me, so it is my favourite verse from this poem.

While We Are Sleeping Angels Have Conversations With Our Souls - Inspirational poem by Trina Graves - Spiritual Quotes To Live By

Update 5th May 2023 – The Great Awakening

A large part of ‘The Great Awakening’ is in knowing of our being Spiritual Beings, first and foremost. As this poem contains so many different aspects of what happens to us as our Spiritual self ‘While We Are Sleeping,’ it is being added to this new category I am in the process of compiling.

Over the years I often wondered why so much of Spirituality is debunked and ridiculed in the mainstream. With so much evidence available, to anyone who chooses to research with an open mind, it didn’t make much sense to me. Along with alternative healing therapies, astrology, tarot etc.., our Spiritual nature is given a token acceptance (usually just classed as entertainment), but not revealed as the greater part of our humanity.

During the past three years I have come to understand why it has been this way. Mainstream programming is used to keep people under control and dumbed down. The elite manipulators do not want people to realise their true power because it will mean the end of their domination, which is exactly what is happening now, as daily more, and more people are Awakening.


The Tree That Spoke

Oh, the things I have felt
For over a hundred years
From bountiful joys of nature
To the sorrow of human tears

When I was first planted here
There wasn’t much else around
A field of grass, some trees like me
A few upright stones on the ground

As I grew tall and strong
Yielding as each season passed
The people came and went
Always mournful and downcast

My wisdom grew with time
As my roots delved into the Earth
I also connected to the sun above
All-That-Is pronounced my worth

The ever-flowing abundant life
Birds, foliage, butterflies, bees
Most people never-ever noticed
Oh, please! BEHOLD us trees

We are the inherent Guardians of Earth
Filtering and providing more than they see
The original network, our roots underground
We may seem static, but we are truly free

The empty field that once surrounded my youth
Is now filled with hundreds of stones
Becoming more ornate over the years
But still, just mark the position of bones

I absorb the waves of sadness that flow
From the people visiting a stone
If they let me, I can help them
For we are One and never alone

I sense the Spirit of their loved one
They block the energy by thinking them gone
My leaves whisper the truth on the breeze
‘They are beside you, they do live on’

Trina Graves – 6th July 2018

About This Poem

From the age of six until I married, my family would spend the summer Sunday afternoons in various villages throughout the Oxfordshire countryside. My father belonged to a cricket club, so we all went along to enjoy and afternoon out. While the men played cricket, the woman chatted and the children played. My mum also liked to take a walk around the villages, especially to visit their church and grounds. I didn’t realize it back then, of course, but this was to develop into something I would enjoy doing for the rest of my life. 

I now love to visit old churches and graveyards, especially to see the beautiful trees that are always present in these tranquil grounds. So, when I began to take nature photographs to compile my photo-quotes this was obviously a wonderful source for me.

Last week I had to take my car to have some work done, nearby there was a graveyard (no church though) that I had not visited before, so I decided to go and hang out there while I waited. It was a beautiful sunny day and after walking around – taking lots of photos – I sat in the shade to bask in the glorious view of trees.

Personally, I believe graves are an old tradition that in our more enlightened times are no longer needed. But, I respect that others can find comfort in visiting their loved ones marker. I do not find them at all depressing because I choose to think of all the love that has been brought to the site, for hundreds of years!

So, as I sat there, just across from me was this tall tree surrounded by gravestones. I thought about what it has viewed over the years and decided to write a poem, luckily I had pen and paper with me. And this is what I wrote.  

The Tree That Spoke - Inspirational Sympathy poem by Trina Graves - Spiritual Quotes To Live By
The view from where I sat to write this poem