
(based on Blossom Goodchild video 4th March 2023)

Seek Joy
It is evidently around
If you set your intent
Joy can always be found

Hold Joy
In your Heart always
And then your vibration
Will effortlessly raise

Bring Joy
Through, in all you do
Manifesting on Earth
The Greatness of You

Radiate Joy
To the One and All
Humanity is Blessed
The darkness will fall

Be Joy
It’s who You came here to Be
United with Love & Light
Proclaim Our True Destiny

Trina Graves – 5th March 2023

About This Poem

Feeling the desire to get back into writing more often than I have done over the past year or so, over the past week (writting this 5th March) I have been updating and sorting to ‘clear the decks.’ I had planned to begin tomorrow in writing a new poem, but after watching this video (below) I knew I had to write immediatley whilst still feeling the effects of its joyfulness. I don’t think anyone could watch this video of Blossom shining her laughter so joyously without at least chuckling to themselves, laughter is so contagious!

If you are not ‘okay’ with channelling, then just watch the beginning which is just Blossom talking.

I have followed Blossom since 2008 and although some of the ‘predictions’ she has channelled have not happened (yet!) I truly believe that all she has brought forth has been raising the vibration of people worldwide and she has enabled the Awakening of many thousands. Her channelling of The Federation Of Light has been preparing Lightworkers all over the world for what has been happening over the past few years, and what is going to happen as we continue through The Great Awakening.

Being Joyful in whatever way we can, and Being the Love & Light we are will bring us through the tumultuous time ahead and United we will bring forth our New Earth of worldwide Peace , Love, Light, Compassion & JOY.
